One Year Warranty on all parts and labor! Apple Part #: The bracket is available from our site as product # 16493. This drive is FASTER than your stock drive! It is fully compatible with iTunes and Disc Burner!A few notes about the different models: Powerbook G4 Titanium If your unit originally had a DVD drive only (400mhz and 500mhz models and some models of the 550 and 667mhz) Then you need a mounting bracket and ICB (interconnect board) to use this drive in your unit. The drive reads DVDs and CDS, burns CDs, and burns DVDs. This drive can be used to replace your combo drive or to replace or upgrade your superdrive. The drive reads DVDs (8x) and CDS, burns CDs (16x or 4x rewrite), and burns DVDs (8x). This is a used/pull replacement Apple SuperDrive DVD-R Burner For Macbook Pro 17', Powerbook G4 Aluminum or iBook G4.